
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sooooooooooo, I am finally feeling better MS wise…then BAM my son comes home sick and guess who got it!? Me yes me. I normally do not get the colds/flu due to the fact my immune system is over-active. But since I was down ms wise, the cold snuck in. Bastard!! lol
But, on a brighter side…I got my new wheelchair.

I love it.
Then wouldn’t you know it, there are no ramps that will work with my van. To be on tha back on a lift, it would be to heavy for my cars chassis. For a side ramp that is automatic it costs 7000.00, more than my car is worth. So needless to say I had a meltdown.
My dad and hubz talked and instead of putting back the money from the iBot fiasco, I am getting a new van. Well not new, but handicap accessible.
It’s a 2005 Chrysler Towne and Country Touring. I so wanted to not have to drive a van anymore, but we do what we gotta do!! lol It has leather interior and the guy is putting in a
DVD player for me. My kids will now have to all sit in the back. This way they not kill each other on long trips! lol The best part is no financing!! He gave me a wicked deal~~phew!!

I am hoping that this will be the end of my wheel-chariot issues! lol It is a long time coming.
I progressed a bit more during my last flare up, so this van is coming at a good time for me. The gentleman is also going to bring it to me. So that is a plus!!
Blessings to all!!
Quote: If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Will it ever end??

I have been MS sick for a week or so now. I am so tired of being sick and tired. My body is numb, I have the inner shakes going on and the outer leg shakes. I get the dizzies if I sit for too long, and the serious back pain pain if I lie down for too long. I'm thinking hanging by my feet upside down might work for me!! lmao

But, I'm thinking it is my bodies way of saying slow the frick down. Chill for a bit and rest and sleep. The dizzies are just no-med freebies. lol

The bright 4 mo old puppy Dexter 'Killer' Morgan Radford:

He is the sweetest thing. He is so smart and such a good boy. He is a chihuahua mix of some sort. I swore I would never have a 'YIP' dog! lol I swore off 'lap' dogs...but oops, now I have one. He is so tiny. I call him my mini-pit. I swear his mommy must have had relations with a red nose pit. lol Can you imagine!? I got him from Halfway to Home Dog Rescue. How could anyone not want this baby? Oh well, their loss is my gain. He is such a cuddler too.

Anywho, getting a tad dizzy again, so I am off.
I joined that twitter place thing, name mztracy. Original eh! lol

Blessings to all..

Quote of the day: Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing. ~Redd Foxx

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Today is the day!!

Now that Jessica has been found, safe, I can breathe again.

Today I go see my neuro. Hubz company changed prescription cos. and medical coverage...yet again. So have to get new scrips and a check-up for my MS. I so hate going to the doctor. YUCK! lol iBot goes away today. Chuck, the iBot rep, is coming to day with my money (show me the money!! lol) and to pick up the chair. I am quite sad about this as the chair is awesome!! But, for that kind of money, it is not worth the chance of it breaking down and no one to fix it. So, buh bye iBot.

My new chair will be here in a week or so. I wanted it special order items on it. High back black seat baby!! lol It does not do all the things the iBot can do, but it is cool looking.

Well, time to get ready for my day. Remember, hug your kids tightly and tell them you love them every day.

Blessings to all...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!!

I hope everyone is having a happy beginning to the New Year!

I am still awaiting the iBot people to come pick up the chair and refund my money. I am quite sad as the chair is pretty awesome. But, after what the iBot gentleman told me I'm not so impressed anymore. I just hope and pray that those who do have them, have no problems.

I know that in a few years there will be another company that will make this type of chair again. I bet it will be better made and less expensive. I will await the day.

I am getting my new chair any day now, and it is pretty cool. It can go up 3 inches or so and go on grass, etc. That was my biggest concern due to my kids soccer games and such.

So far things are going well here. I am back on trying to exercise with my motorized pedaler and arm weights. I will make no resolutions as I never follow them. lol But, I will try my best to keep at it.

Quote of the day: We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Blessings to all....