
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Will it ever end??

I have been MS sick for a week or so now. I am so tired of being sick and tired. My body is numb, I have the inner shakes going on and the outer leg shakes. I get the dizzies if I sit for too long, and the serious back pain pain if I lie down for too long. I'm thinking hanging by my feet upside down might work for me!! lmao

But, I'm thinking it is my bodies way of saying slow the frick down. Chill for a bit and rest and sleep. The dizzies are just no-med freebies. lol

The bright 4 mo old puppy Dexter 'Killer' Morgan Radford:

He is the sweetest thing. He is so smart and such a good boy. He is a chihuahua mix of some sort. I swore I would never have a 'YIP' dog! lol I swore off 'lap' dogs...but oops, now I have one. He is so tiny. I call him my mini-pit. I swear his mommy must have had relations with a red nose pit. lol Can you imagine!? I got him from Halfway to Home Dog Rescue. How could anyone not want this baby? Oh well, their loss is my gain. He is such a cuddler too.

Anywho, getting a tad dizzy again, so I am off.
I joined that twitter place thing, name mztracy. Original eh! lol

Blessings to all..

Quote of the day: Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing. ~Redd Foxx


Renee said...

Aww I am sorry u arent well. I am in a flare up myself so I can sympathize. The puppy is just too cute ~ Dexter! Awww. Thanks for posting his picture! :) U rest up my sweet .... I will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you aren't well! I will be praying for you!
I, by far, think that is about the cutest pup I have ever seen! He is soooooooooooo adorable!