
Monday, April 20, 2009

The MS Walk 2009

The walk on saturday was great. Roger and Shelby went with me. I was going to take tons of pics with my new camera but...I forgot it!! DOH! I did get a few with my cell. They came out black and white as one of my kids set it to that. arrrgghh lol I did not know until after the walk when i checked the pics. The balloons were bright orange and so pretty. White and green ones too. lol
The weather was a bit hot for me, but I had on my hat and every now and then a cool breeze would hit us. Roger and Shelby went with me and we had a blast.
We got there and signed in and then i cruised around to get all the goodies that are given away each year. I got a great lil mini pack and lots of pens and a license frame. We got 4 ms walk t-shirts and i qualified for the messenger bag.

After the walk there was food and entertainment and raffles.

The best part was seeing my former MS yoga teacher Colleen. I just love her and she is getting eric small to come back and do a yoga seminar again for us. I saw so many of my ole yoga buddies. My favorite reunion was with my gurl Tina’s family. Every walk I do now i do for tina. She is my friend who passed at 40 due to her MS. She was taken away much too soon. If you look at my pic, i am wearing the shirt in her honor. It was so nice to see some of her family again.

The only set back is the sunburn...i figured we would not be long, hmmmmmmm i live in the desert!! DUH me. I did not even think about sunscreen. My arms will be paying for this for a bit. They hurt so flippen bad...thank God for aloe!!

Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway. ~Author Unknown


Anonymous said...
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Tracy said...

ty amers, glad ya found me too!! xoxo

Renee said...

the pics are great ! glad you guys went ! :)