
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lazy Sunday!

We just got back from getting the boy a haircut. The girls and I went and dropped some things in the mailbox then headed over to Rite Aid. I got some really pretty thank you notes to send to a few people who have been so sweet to me. No names as they may read here!! lol
Our Christmas Starbucks gift card is almost gone!! Waaaahhhh We got a few from some of Rogers' friends from his work for Christmas. I got a caramel espresso frap...drool!!

I should be outside cleaning the interior of my van we are selling. It needs a carpet shampoo and leather cleaning. Luckilly there are no rips tears or bad stains. That van really is the bomb!! I am going to miss it. It is a gr8, reliable lil van. Hmmmm, maybe I'll pay the kids to do the cleaning. lol

There is so many things to get done around my house. There never seems to be enough time in the day to get all things done. I really need to get some new jewelry made. I have all new sterling silver findings and turquoise and so many new things to put together. We are changing out two rooms in the house. This way my crafts table can be in the family room where the tv is and everyone hangs out. It is so not fun to switch the rooms. Lots of heavy things to move. The problem is lighting the fire under the hubbies bum to get him to do it!! lmao

Today is my mommies birthday.
Happy Birthday MOM!! I love you very much!

Peace out peoples!

If we had no faults of our own, we would not take so much pleasure in noticing those of others. ~Francois duc de la Rochefoucauld


Silver said...

my eyes lit up when i saw sterling silver and turqoise- my favourites!

sounds like you've got a lot going this week, huh!!

Renee said...

sounds like you should pay the kiddos to clean the van ~ you need to rest. i got some thank you cards too ~ going to send some out this week. anyway, stopping in for a read!