
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Well I am up....

and moving!! lol It's 11:13 am. I am going to go through all my things at my jewelry shop. Do some pic re-takes and get some new things put up. If ya get time, drop in:

I just finished doing the dishes and have some more soaking. Drinking an iced coffee from Shock Coffee. Their coffee is the best...extra caffeine. Just what I need.

I want to shut out to my gurl Amers and say I am so happy that Brian is home for a bit!! Loved all the pics. Of course I cried looking at them all!! lol Miss you sweetie! Call me when he leaves. And you know, tell him thank you from me!! Huggzz to you all! If you want to see who Amers is drop by her site here:

Well time for me to actually get to what I said I was going to do. lol The coffee is hitting me! Woo hoo diddly do!

Peace and blessings to all!!

For Brian (ty for all you do):
If you are ashamed to stand by your colors, you had better seek another flag. ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww! Thank you! How sweet! It has been the best! I'm really savoring every moment with him! (hopping on the p.c. when he is at appointments, lol!)
Thank you! Your the sweetest! You made my smile bigger!