
Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow needs to go!!! lol

So, it is finally melting, but not fast enough for me. Now, I love the snow. It is so pretty. But 1 to 2 days is good enough for me!!

Daddy finally got home with my girls. Poor shelby is so sick. She got home, rinsed her mouth with listerine, crawled in to my bed and fell asleep. Ashley threw on some boots and a jacket and headed out side in the snow.

Then, last night, started the migraine from HELL!! It just went away about 30 minutes ago. Nothing helped. So took some ibuprophen and heated my gel pad. Got it on my neck and finally...buh bye migraine!!

Even with it, I sang at blogstar!! My parody of Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer. I have never sang on the net before. Have no clue what made me do it! Actully, did it for my friend Holly. She does gr8 broadcasts over there. So, here is my Rudolf parody:

Rudolf the Brown Nose Reindeer

Rudolf the brown nose reindeer
had a very dirty nose.
And if ever smelled it
you would even say its gross.

All of the other reindeer
wanted him to stay away.
They didn’t want ole Rudolf

sticking his nose in their face.

Then one crappy Christmas eve

the fat man came to say,
Rudolf stick your nose in my butt

Then how the others loved him
and they shouted out yippe. (yippee)
Rudolf the brown nosed reindeer
you'll brown nose in history.....

And the crowd goes wild!!! lol

Quote of the day:
Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind. ~Mary Ellen Chase


Cori said...

Welcome to Blogspot Tracy!!! I find this alot more easy friendly as well !!

Hugs to you and your family ...Merry Christmas and hoping 2009 treats you well my friend xxx

Tracy said...

thanks cori! I kind of like it here!! xoxo

A Blessed Day in the Life... said...

I love your human snow angel and the dog. LOL, lol!!!